“To end racism, privilege and oppression in the church and world.”
In 2021, we launched our first Journey of Hope initiative, a HOPE Film Series. In 2022, we’ll be launching a new Journey of Hope initiative. Stay tuned in the months ahead for more information!
In the meantime, you can borrow educational books free of charge from our Hope Library in the narthex of our church. These books are connected to the topic of racial justice. They highlight historical, fictional, and other genres of books speaking to things like discrimination, diversity, inclusion, and more. Our Hope Library is meant to bring greater understanding among people with often different and divisive perspectives and beliefs. It seeks to promote unity and to aid us in the midst of our call to do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly (Micah 6:8).
While waiting to find out more about what we’ll be doing for our next initiative in 2022, you can check out our Greater New Jersey Annual Conference’s Journey of Hope Plan.